Saturday, November 14, 2009

New Year's Eve

Wavelength is ringing in 2010 at the Italian Heritage Center in Portland this year. Guaranteed to be a good time! We're hoping friends, family and fans will join the band along with many members of the Italian Heritage Center. Here is more information from the IHC regarding times, itinerary and ticket information. If you would like to purchase tickets, please contact Wavelength at or 207-883-0893 by Monday, December 28th. Wavelength will be providing four hours of dance music! Come out and participate in the countdown with us!

New Year’s Eve Gala -Thursday, December 31, 2009
Ring in the New Year at the Italian Heritage Center
2010 will be a GREAT ONE!
We will start our festivities at 6:45 – 7:30 p.m with appetizers
followed by a Surf N’Turf dinner of New York Sirloin & Baked
Stuffed Shrimp, oven roasted potatoes and vegetable.
Elegant desserts and coffee will be in DiVinci following dinner.
Champagne toast at midnight.

Music by WAVELENGTH 9:00 p.m. – 1:00 a.m.
$45. members - $55. Call Cammy to reserve your table 939 8570.
Dress code strictly enforced. Men to wear Sports Jackets, no jeans,
t-shirts or sneakers.